Steps to crack Wi-Fi WPA/WPA2 passwords using Aircrack-ng

The goal here is to capture the WPA/WPA2 authentication handshake by sending de-authentication packets to crack the pre-shared key using the aircrack-ng tool. It is worthwhile to mention that if no one is connected to the target Wi-Fi network, it won't be possible to crack it, as it won't be possible to perform a WPA/WPA2 handshake without a client being connected to the network. Then it needs to be determined whether the victim is connected to the target Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi works by transmitting network packets, which can be captured and dumped using airodump-ng, part of aircrack-ng. To understand how to crack Wi-Fi, one needs to know how Wi-Fi works. To crack the Wi-Fi network password, the PC/computer should have an external wireless card capable of running a monitor or injection mode.Kali Linux can be A) installed or B) used in the Live version through a Bootable version or C) installed on a VM using VMWare or Virtual Box.In this post, Aircrack-ng will be used to crack a password-protected WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi network. It is capable of monitoring (capturing packets), attacking, and cracking Wi-Fi networks. Aircrack-ng is a set of tools in Kali Linux that can be used to assess Wi-Fi network security.