The Reqtificator offers some advanced processing features for mod-authors which must be explicitly enabled. We generally advise against merging Requiem patches using a tool such as zMerge.

The Smashed Patch should be loaded before the Requiem for the Indifferent.esp so that its content gets patched. You need to disable Merge Leveled Characters and Merge Leveled Items in the Reqtificator settings because a Smashed Patch already merges all leveled lists.

Smashed PatchĪ Smashed Patch is safe to use with Requiem, but you need to install a special smash setting to prevent leveled content from being re-introduced. The scope of what a Bashed Patch considers mergeable is so narrow that this option is safe to enable even though we generally advise against merging Requiem patches. You may find that some of these tweaks are already contained in Requiem or significantly alter your Requiem experience. The following types are not imported by Requiem and therefore safe to enable: Thus, we recommend caution when enabling such options unless you are certain your plugins are tagged. However, all compatibility patches and addons that depend on Requiem must also be properly tagged or the Bashed Patch may revert changes from these plugins. Requiem is tagged with the necessary bash-tags to support these options. The generated Requiem for the Indifferent.esp is therefore a replacement for the Leveled List option of a Bashed Patch, but includes no leveled content. You can enable Merge Leveled Characters and Merge Leveled Items in the Reqtificator settings to have the Reqtificator merge leveled list changes from plugins that depend on Requiem. Instead, you should use custom compatibility patches for mods that add new equipment and encounters to Skyrim. This option must remain disabled because it will re-introduce leveled content into Requiem. The resulting Bashed Patch should be loaded before Requiem for the Indifferent.esp so that its content gets patched. Furthermore, you may see an outdated warning regarding the usage of a Bashed Patch when running the Reqtificator. If you want to use a Bashed Patch with an older version of Requiem make sure you have fetched the latest LOOT masterlist before creating your bashed patch. Older versions of Requiem do not have the necessary bash-tags included.